發表時間 文章標題 人氣 留言
2010-09-17 愷愷寶寶的東京遊記 (by鴨媽媽) (476) (5)
2010-09-08 香港機場拍飛機(Part.2 客機A to Z) (13087) (25)
2010-09-07 More on Brandon Morrow (1108) (5)
2010-08-26 Have some comment, after taking a series from the NYY (852) (7)
2010-08-22 愷愷、熱熱的八月 (244) (3)
2010-08-18 暖暖站東拍車記 (1795) (7)
2010-08-14 Awful plate discipline statistics (1007) (0)
2010-08-06 Have some comment, after a series in N.Y. (1014) (4)
2010-08-01 July in RCSS (867) (3)
2010-07-31 Trade for Future (1107) (5)
2010-07-23 もう一度、JR塩浜 (1167) (6)
2010-07-22 愷愷小遊記 (413) (6)
2010-07-21 An Exchange of Shortstop (1119) (7)
2010-07-20 2010RCYU基地拍機(AT-3雷虎篇) (914) (4)
2010-07-14 香港機場拍飛機(Part.1簡介與貨機篇) (12952) (9)
2010-07-13 Midseason Report for Minor League Player (811) (7)
2010-07-11 Koduck的航空照片(Part.2)(2010.7.11 updated) (2743) (10)
2010-07-05 Sadness June (834) (6)
2010-06-30 早安、四日市 (1293) (4)
2010-06-30 寶寶忙碌的家居生活 (383) (5)
2010-06-11 Our Draft Result in 2010 (1025) (1)
2010-06-09 愷愷宜蘭快閃之旅 (297) (4)
2010-06-07 Ouch!Bullpen Fallen Again (793) (8)
2010-06-05 Extraordinary Performence for a Young Pitcher (719) (3)
2010-06-03 We Screwed Up (593) (3)
2010-06-01 2010玉山盃(台南市vs高雄市) (357) (0)
2010-05-30 懶人出草、高低隧道 (1233) (9)
2010-05-29 Quick Review on Current Roster (646) (5)
2010-05-25 Luck and Bad Luck (716) (3)
2010-05-19 山崎站東、初訪“名神バック” (1192) (3)
2010-05-17 假日,寶寶小遊記 (238) (5)
2010-05-07 After Five Straight Victory (636) (2)
2010-05-05 Koduck的航空照片(2010.5.5updated) (2359) (12)
2010-05-04 貼心的寶寶 (189) (4)
2010-04-30 山崎站西、“サントリーカーブ”舊地重遊 (1233) (4)
2010-04-23 What's wrong with Big Z?(or Lou Piniella?) (916) (4)
2010-04-22 Great moments are born from great opportunity (614) (0)
2010-04-19 越後雪國、六日町與大澤 (2423) (16)
2010-04-17 愷愷港都遊記 (274) (4)
2010-04-16 First 10 Games Review (1022) (3)
2010-04-12 拍飛機、在RCSS遇見好料 (1946) (0)
2010-04-09 週日拍西線上行自強! (1001) (6)
2010-04-05 雪季、再訪上越線 (1869) (7)
2010-04-01 2010 Toronto Position Player Preview(2) (681) (5)
2010-03-31 愷愷、好奇寶寶! (218) (3)
2010-03-26 2010 Toronto Position Player Preview(1) (815) (2)
2010-03-24 富山軌道電車 (2856) (2)
2010-03-19 愷愷、Happy Birthday! (249) (4)
2010-03-13 さようなら、急行能登與寢台北陸 (1479) (4)
2010-03-11 けいきゅう、京浜急行電鐵 (14071) (14)