發表時間 | 文章標題 | 人氣 | 留言 |
2009-07-20 | 初次見面、近畿日本鐵道 | (3117) | (5) |
2009-07-13 | 台灣鐵道----高低隧道、老點新拍 | (1398) | (7) |
2009-07-08 | Inappropriate Comments | (933) | (1) |
2009-07-07 | Got Hammered on the face | (909) | (7) |
2009-07-02 | 娃娃的端午連假(3)--台南集錦 | (354) | (4) |
2009-06-26 | McGowan's career in danger? | (260) | (2) |
2009-06-22 | Benched Ordonez | (937) | (7) |
2009-06-17 | Our Draft Result in 2009 | (912) | (4) |
2009-06-15 | 速報!愷愷人的新髮型! | (284) | (5) |
2009-06-12 | 鐵路節、扇庫參訪! | (1242) | (11) |
2009-06-08 | 2009玉山盃冠軍賽(南市VS高市) | (796) | (7) |
2009-06-04 | 娃娃的端午連假(2)----彰化扇庫 | (335) | (7) |
2009-06-03 | 2009玉山盃(桃縣vs高縣) | (1273) | (7) |
2009-06-02 | Still a Long Road to Go | (648) | (7) |
2009-06-01 | 娃娃的端午連假(1)----彩繪眷村 | (349) | (3) |
2009-05-21 | Training Day | (726) | (11) |
2009-05-20 | JR貨物(5)--機關車配置現狀(2009版) | (1048) | (4) |
2009-05-18 | Demand the Defence | (582) | (4) |
2009-05-13 | 喝飲料的寶寶 | (308) | (3) |
2009-05-12 | Building on Shaky Premises | (556) | (5) |
2009-05-06 | 坐火車往東走(崇德篇) | (5518) | (22) |
2009-04-30 | Lester, Nolasco, and Greinke | (1002) | (7) |
2009-04-23 | Reality or Illusion? | (756) | (8) |
2009-04-17 | 寶寶愛玩耍 | (289) | (7) |
2009-04-07 | Good Performence for the Opening Day | (710) | (7) |
2009-04-03 | Trade Halladay? | (1036) | (6) |
2009-04-02 | 坐火車往東走 | (1356) | (17) |
2009-03-31 | Significant Outfield (2009 Toronto Preview Part.4) | (492) | (0) |
2009-03-27 | Ordinary Infield (2009 Toronto Preview Part.3) | (457) | (1) |
2009-03-24 | (舊)2004年日本鐵道14日旅遊計畫 | (1109) | (6) |
2009-03-19 | 一眠大一吋 | (241) | (5) |
2009-03-08 | Solid and Good Bullpen (2009 Toronto Preview Part.2) | (597) | (6) |
2009-02-26 | The Shakiness of Rotation (2009 Toronto Preview Part.1) | (754) | (3) |
2009-02-19 | 山陽本線八本松、EF67! | (1259) | (10) |
2009-02-13 | 副座!恭喜高陞! | (1953) | (7) |
2009-02-06 | 寶寶人氣票選and過年出遊圖集 | (294) | (6) |
2009-02-02 | 台灣鐵道---收穫滿滿的宜蘭線列車試運轉 | (1194) | (5) |
2009-01-31 | A Friendly Player Retire | (672) | (4) |
2009-01-26 | 愷愷的第一個農曆新年 | (201) | (4) |
2009-01-15 | 2009 糖鐵季 | (884) | (4) |
2009-01-14 | After your favorite player left | (740) | (5) |
2009-01-09 | JR山陽本線、三石站南俯瞰大景 | (1271) | (2) |
2009-01-07 | 寶寶、三峽遊記! | (449) | (3) |
2008-12-31 | 寶寶、大安森林公園 | (794) | (5) |
2008-12-29 | JR山陽本線、吉井川橋樑 | (1790) | (1) |
2008-12-21 | 愷愷幫阿嬤慶生 | (307) | (6) |
2008-12-17 | 日本鐵道--JR新大阪站北天橋 | (3826) | (9) |
2008-12-15 | Quotes about Greg Maddux | (1278) | (2) |
2008-12-11 | 台灣鐵道景點----四瑞二號橋 | (1094) | (8) |
2008-12-09 | Our Top Prospects in 2008 | (922) | (6) |