"It'll be good offensively, but damn, I've gotta play second, first and right. That's a lot of ground to cover, man. I've got small legs.”
------Boston的二壘手Dustin Pedroia,在聽到下一場比賽,球隊將把原來的DH David Ortiz擺上一壘、而原來的一壘手Adrian Gonzalez擺到右外野守備之後的反應。
"I had two people roll their windows down driving in today, telling me how excited they were about this kid being here and the way that we’ve played. Normally I drive down the street and nobody says a word. So, to have it happen twice in one day, was a little odd.”
------在球隊宣佈將把小聯盟裡的新秀Eric Hosmer升上大聯盟後,Kansas City的經理Ned Yost,在路上開車遇到球迷熱情興奮的反應。
"When I hit it, I thought it had a chance. Then you look up and go, 'Oh, here's this park.'"
------一棒擊出、手感極佳,Houston的外野手Jason Michaels以為他有支全壘打入賬,不過當他回神過來,才想起他是在PNC這個廣闊的球場。最後這球當然被接殺。
"I don't think I deserve to be an All-Star."
------Albert Pujols在知道他未被選入今年明星隊後的反應。
“I left some balls up and they hit them. And the odd time I made a pitch, they hit that, too. So I don’t think there are too many things I did very well.”
------五月的某場比賽,當Kansas City的投手Jeff Francis在被打爆之後,如是說。
“The first thing I told the umpire is it's a shame that he can't have an ERA, because those runs are his.”
------在一個主審的誤判造成失分之後,Toronto的投手Jon Rauch忍不住跟主審咆嘯,這些失分應該記在主審頭上。
“I've never shied away from the fact that the only real goal I have is to be a Hall of Famer when I'm done, if that happens, most of the other things, the individual things, those will take care of themselves. I just go out there and pitch. But as competitive as I am, you hear someone say no one will ever win 300 games again, that makes me want to go out and do it.”
------Detroit的王牌投手Justin Verlander,雄心壯志的說出他的生涯目標,進名人堂與拿300勝!
“I'm glad it went out because I was halfway to the field with my hands up. It would have been kind of embarrassing if it hadn't gone out.”
------隊友一棒敲出、球還在半空中,Kansas City的Alex Gordon就以為這是支再見全壘打而雙手高舉衝出休息室,還好這球有飛出去,不然就糗大了。
- Jul 06 Wed 2011 23:35
Baseball Quotes in the First half of 2011